Crestwood Behavioral Health

Partners &

RRS Collaborative Partners and Customers

Recovery Resilience Solutions is honored to have the opportunity to be connected with so many wonderful collaborative partners and customers. Supporting our collaborative partners and customers is a top priority.

RRS has received multiple Peer Personnel Training and Placement grants through OSHPD (California Office of Health Planning and Development). If you are from a County or Community-Based Organization within California and are interested in becoming one of Collaborative Partners, contact CRRS.


Organization Type County
Colorado River Behavioral Health System, LLC Community-Based Organization Pinal, Yuma


Organization Type County
Butte County Behavioral Health County Butte
County of Santa Barbara County Santa Barbara
Fresno County County Fresno
Interim, Inc. County Monterey
Lassen Aurora Network Community-Based Organization Lasen
Los Angeles Department of Mental Health County Los Angeles
Orange County Health Care Agency County Orange
Placer County County Placer
Riverside University Health System County Riverside
Solano County Solano
SPIRT Community-Based Organization Nevada
Stanislaus County Stanislaus
Sunrays of Hope Community-Based Organization Modoc
Sutter-Yuba Behavioral Health County Sutter-Yuba
The Living In Wellness Center Community-Based Organization Modoc
Transitions – Mental Health Association Community-Based Organization San Luis Obispo
Turning Point Community Programs Community-Based Organization Sacramento, Yolo, Solano, San Joaquin, Merced, Stanislaus, Nevada, Butte, Placer


Organization Type County
Tuscola Behavioral Health System County Tuscola

New York

Organization Type County
NYC Health + Hospitals State New York


Organization Type County
NCSS – National Council of Social Service Country Singapore (country)
