Recovery Outcomes That Change Lives
Crestwood Behavioral Health achieves our recovery-oriented outcomes through setting and adhering to optimal standards guided by best practices, core values and integrity.
Evidence of effectiveness measured by a smile
Our Recovery Outcomes data at Crestwood first begins with an idea and moves to a concept. It then becomes a conversation and moves to an agenda item. It then takes form and is named. It grows in the conceptualization and is reviewed by a variety of staff members. It is tested in concept for validity, reliability and ease of use for our staff, meaningfulness with our persons served and evidence that it will work. It then becomes a pilot and is tested for 6 to 12 months. It is measured and observed for effectiveness and re-engineered based on effectiveness. It is then launched to all our programs and becomes a vital element of our Recovery Outcomes System.
Crestwood Recovery Outcomes:

The four components of the Persons Served Satisfaction Survey are recovery, staff helpfulness/availability, program effectiveness, and overall satisfaction. All satisfaction components exceeded the 80% threshold. Results are as follows:

Zumba: Crestwood has licensed Zumba Instructors offering classes twice a week at our campuses.

Nutrition and Wellness: Crestwood and University of California Davis conducted a study for publication that indicates that these heart healthy diets contribute to the mitigation of diabetes and other metabolic diseases.